Saturday, November 20, 2010

So Good to be Home

For the first time I am blogging from home, good ol' New Brighton, MN. I forgot how much I missed home until I got here. Parents can still be annoying and a little overbearing but I don't blame them, they are my parents and haven't seen me since August 2nd. Well I actually saw my mom and brother in Des Moines over Labor Day weekend...whatever.

It is decidedly colder up here, and I really didn't think 8 hours would give such a big temperature difference, as its normally only about ten degrees. But tomorrow (Sunday) it is supposed to 70 in Warrensburg, and only 35 here in MN. But...I actually don't mind. The cold feels...good here. It isn't like Warrensburg. It is crisp and cool but it smells good and just makes me feel at home. I think this is one of those things that only people who are from and really love the upper mid-west can understand, and that's ok.

Something random I didn't realize I was missing...geese! I saw a few different flocks as I was driving into Minnesota yesterday and I realized I hadn't seen any down in Missouri. just a random fact that amused me.

Other random thoughts...Glee from the last two weeks. In general, I'm happy. I can definitely say that Glee feels like itself again. Though I don't love everything, I do think it is back where it needs to be. Now about Kurt's whole thing...I have mixed feelings...again. The decision to make Kurt's bullier (I don't know if that's a real world) gay and so far in the closet grandma's handcuff's (FRIENDS reference) can't even reach him to me feels a bit like a cop-out. I would much rather see the actual issues addressed between someone who is gay and someone who has probably grown up thinking homosexuality is wrong in all ways. Now I know this issue is not resolved and will be on-going for the rest of the season, which is awesome, but I'm not sure I like how they've gotten into it. Having said that, I'm glad it's this over nothing. This topic is important. I also know some interesting spoilers about the upcoming episodes, but I won't share them here. Other Glee tidbits: LOVED Gweneth Paltrow, she is amazing, ADORED Teenage Dream (though not as much as Boyce Avenue's version), Loved the choreography in Singin' In the Rain/Umbrella but am still undecided on the actual song. That's all for now on that topic.

Now lastly some sadder news. My cat Smokey, who will be turning 19 this week, is not doing so well. She is still very much there mentally, but we can tell her back end is bothering her more than ever and she has gotten extremely thin. She is having trouble keeping food down so we're hoping adjusting her diet is going to help. It's weird because she can still jump on our beds and she'll jump from my bed to my brother's bed at night, but we know she is pain. Even her meow has gotten weaker. We're trying a few different food options and I think/hope my mom is bringing her into the vet this week to see if there is something we can do. If we have to say goodbye her soon I will be very sad, as we've had her since just before I turned 4. She has always been my kitty and I know her better than anyone and she clings to me more than anyone. But, I think I will be ok once it happens. 19 is pretty old for a cat, and she has had a great life. I think I've been able to slowly let go because I've been at school the last few years, but Smokey is still my pet through and through and it will be hard to say goodbye. Hopefully she gets better and we still have some good time with her. Will keep the blogosphere updated.

That's all for tonight folks!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Living Above Average

Here's a short and happy post for you all (both rare).

Over the past few days I've just been...happy. For no overly big reason. I actually have a lot of things that are, or should be stressing me out right now. But they're not. I had actually a pretty good weekend. Saturday I went to our football game which was awesome, but ended in heartbreak, yet I was optimistic at the end. That night was pretty awesome hanging out with some amazing people. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. Sunday nothing overly good or bad happened, and not really today either. We did have the University President as a guest speaker in our class tonight which was really good to have. And I just found a token from my amazing staff from 08-09 and that made me smile ear to ear. But yeah, right now, I'm good. I don't know how long it will last, and my next post will probably be not as happy, but right now, in this moment, I'm good.

Living above average is pretty awesome. Maybe that will be my new life philosophy.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Thoughts & Fears on Tuesday Night's Elections

I'm going to try not to make this long or over complicated. Also if it wasn't obvious already, I am a liberal and generally support Democratic candidates, however, not blindly.

So this must be what it felt like for republicans two years ago after Obama was elected. Defeated, scared, sad, almost hopeless. I get that, and maybe its deserved. But something is different this time. This isn't just a simple power switch with the main outcomes affecting the way government is run or its reach. No, this time our nation has elected a plethora of candidates who genuinely scare me because of their beliefs on Religion, Homosexuality, Education, and many other topics. I am fearful with what congress will do with the health care bill, but that's the least of my worries. I also have hope there since Republicans didn't take the Senate and we still have Obama, for now.

The people we have elected to "represent" us for the next two years have radical ideas on the topics I mentioned above. Many believe that we are first and foremost a Christian nation, that if you are a Muslim you are also a terrorist, that the Department of Education should be abolished, that being gay is choice and/or is "curable", that many of the amendments made to our constitution in the last 200+ years shouldn't stand. These things scare me. People like Michelle Bachmann from Minnesota, John Boehner from Ohio, Renee Ellmers from North Carolina, Rand Paul from Kentucky, and many others, scare me because they have been given power that they can and want to use to oppress minorities and carry out their own far right "morals". (I dislike the term agenda, everyone has an agenda with whatever they do, I have one in this blog)

Being from Minnesota I have much more experience with Michelle Bachmann in particular, and that... woman thrives on fear and the tears of the people she oppresses. She doesn't care about Minnesota, much less her own district. Last night she would only grant national, not local, interviews, and her event was held in an upscale hotel that was not in her own district. Why the people of the Minnesota 6th have sent her back for a third term I cannot comprehend. And I need to move on before steam starts pouring from my ears.

Speaking of Minnesota, for the second election in a row, the results are looking like they'll fall within a half percent, thus forcing an automatic recount. Minnesota has not had a Democratic Governor in more than 16 years. Mark Dayton was never my first choice for the Democratic nomination, as I was originally in favor of Matt Entenza, but I think Dayton would do fine. Much better than Tom Emmer, who seems to be a doppelganger, if not worse, than Tim Pawlenty. But now it looks like it won't matter either way, as both the MN House and Senate have gone back to Republican Control. I really do not understand, but we cannot afford to keep going in MN like we have the past 8 years under Pawlenty. Cities cannot afford more cuts. K-12 cannot afford more cuts. Higher ed cannot keep raising tuition.

I'm am not as concerned with the outcomes of this election on the way government is run, or even the most controversial topics like abortion. I'm concerned because we have been making so much progress especially in gay rights, and that progress is in serious jeopardy. We saw this past summer how people reacted to the Islamic Center in New York. That type of fear and hate is now in bigger positions of power. It scares me.

No, the results of this election are about much more than simple government and spending policy. We cannot let civil rights continue to be denied or taken away. We must stand up. I am cautiously optimistic that with a Republican House and a Democratic Senate the two sides will be forced to work together, but that light isn't very bright. I some take comfort that a few good people were elected, and we still have people who are doing a good job like Betty McCollum and Amy Klobuchar (a Representative and Senator from MN). I pray that my fears do not come to fruition, and that the next two years prove to be productive. But right now, sorry John Stewart, fear has taken control of me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Good Soup to Ease the Pain

So I'm not going to write about the elections at the moment. I need to think of something positive first.

Instead I'll rave about my soup I made tonight! Split Pea and Ham, made from scratch. First time using chicken broth but definitely won't be my last. Only thing I wasn't fond of were the bay leave flakes I added instead of a recommended Bay Leave which is removed at the end, but no biggie there. Still tasted awesome, possibly better than mom's! Here's the recipe, adapted from another website:

Split Pea and Ham Soup

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 2 stalks of celery, diced
  • 1 large russet potato, peeled and diced
  • 1 lb ham steak, diced
  • 8 cups of chicken broth or vegetable stock
  • 1 1lb bag of dried split peas (rinsed)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
Heat olive oil in a pot over medium heat. Cook the onion until slightly tender. Add ham & cook for 60 seconds. Add the broth and split peas to pot and salt and pepper to taste. Cook over medium low heat for 1 1/2 - 2 hours.

Here is just after adding the broth and peas:

Add the carrots, celery and potatoes then cook for an additional 30-45 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.

Final Product:

The original recipe called for garlic and the bay leave as mentioned, but garlic likes to upset my stomach so I omitted it, and I didn't miss it. Enjoy with Club crackers, they have just the right taste.