Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Going Inside BK's Head...Are You Sure This Is a Good Idea?

Hello internet world. Welcome to my blog, or as we are calling it, Inside BK's Head.

A little background on me; I consider myself to be from "Minnesconsin". Born in Milwaukee, WI, but mainly raised in Minnesota, I have deep family ties in both states, and have spent my life falling in love with both. In 2006 I graduated from high school in New Brighton, MN (suburb of St. Paul), and began my undergraduate career at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls. Originally I started as an Instrumental Music Education major, dropping the education part after two years and eventually attaining an essentially worthless Liberal Arts Music degree with a minor in Professional and Organizational Communication. Currently I am a graduate student at the University of Central Missouri pursuing my master's in College Student Personnel Administration. A few random facts: I am obsessed with Glee, identify as a liberal, am as compassionate as I am insanely organized, and my favorite color is lime green.

At this point if you took the time to read this you are undoubtedly asking yourself why you took the time to read this. I think I can ask you that too. But you're here now, so I hope you'll listen to what I have to say. I think a lot. About me, about the world, about the problems I see, and a whole mess of other crap. While I have friends to talk to, I think I would be bored with myself if I told them everything that's in my head. But I feel as though I need some sort of outlet, so here I am. By no means do I proclaim myself to be intelligent or well-spoken, nor are the thoughts I may blurt out here fully realized. Sometimes I will probably try to be insightful and smart in my posts which I will most likely fall on my face trying to accomplish. Other times I will simply state some sort of comment that probably has very little meaning. But this is what's inside my head, I apologize in advance.

I was going to put something actually worthwhile in this first post but I'm falling asleep writing it, so that will probably come tomorrow. Until then, welcome, and thanks for checking out my thoughts. Please feel free to follow me, and I look forward to any discussion that may come from this blog, if any.

1 comment:

  1. BRANDON!!!!! I am supposed to be finishing a paper right now, but Im reading your blog...and now I want a blog. But I don't have time to create a blog right now. This commentary is going absolutely nowhere. Good Luck with your blogging. I will visit again!
