Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Purple: Color of Hopes and Bruises

Today I wore purple, like so many throughout the country, to show my support for those in the Queer Community. I was discouraged by how many people I saw that weren't. I understand not everybody knew about it, and some people simply don't own purple, and still others just didn't want to conform. But I still was hoping I would see more purple out there today.

Then tonight I just went to watch one of my favorite commercials, the Wanda Sykes "That's So Gay" commercial, and I wanted to read the comments to see if anything substantial had been said in the last day. This was a mistake. Here is the video link, go read the comments yourself:

I read the first seven pages and saw only a few supportive comments. The argument that people shouldn't be offended because words change meaning all the time is ridiculous. It does not matter where the word came from, its original meaning. What matter is when people say "That's So Gay", they are meaning the word "Gay" to mean less-than, unintelligent, ridiculous, and stupid. This phrase originates from people using the term to purposefully put down gays. I don't understand how that was lost, and how people have come to accept it as a perfectly fine way of something is stupid. I honestly cannot comprehend how people think it is ok and not offensive, and I'm actually pretty angry right now. I've vowed to speak up but I'm only one person. I know one person can make all the difference, but right now it doesn't feel that way.

I can't help but go to sleep tonight, from a day that was meant to be inspiring, a little discouraged.


  1. I have to admit, despite being a supporter of gays/lesb/bi I had no idea there was a specific day deticated to strutting colors. I would have sported purple instead of blue had I known.

    With that being said, you absolutely cannot let something as simple as a word turn your life into turmoil. I'm sure you're all too familiar with hearing this, but people have the right to freedom of speech. Yes, even ignorant people; like the ones keeping the "N-word" alive.

    I'm ashamed to admit it, but I say "that's so gay." But you'll never hear me say faggot. That word is the one you should be worried about if any. Think Ghandi! Would he let something as simple as words cut him down? Never.

    The following statement is not religious so don't get your panties in a bunch, BUT.... you should really "look inside yourself" and the next time something bothers you ask: "Is this worth the time of being upset over?". you'll realize YOU are in control of what bothers you and how MUCH it bothers you. :)

    You make your own happiness. If today you would have just put others aside and focused on yourself you could have MADE it an inspiring day. Too many people focus on what others are doing when they should just stop rubbernecking and keep their eyes on the road. You see where I'm going with this driving analogy? Or am I wasting my breath. LoL.

    You are well spoken for. Keep the blogs coming. I enjoy it. Take care.

  2. Reece, welcome to my blog.

    Perhaps I sounded too down in this blog post, but in spite of being slightly discouraged, I am not at all giving up nor did what I wrote about turn my life into turmoil.

    I am aware that I control what I get upset, or even passionate over. Gay rights are one of those things that I believe strongly in.

    I also know that people have the right to free speech. Just like I'm aware that those who use that right to speak hate can cause irreparable harm. "That's So Gay" is just one of the many factors that has contributed to the bullying of gay teens, which has lead to God knows how many suicides. Most people who use that phrase I know are not intending it to come off as harmful, but that's exactly the problem. They don't understand the meaning behind what they are saying, just like when a lot of those same kids use the N word when talking to each other or listening to rap music. Ignorance is bliss, which is why I am so passionate about the education of Social Justice issues.

    If you are ashamed to say "That's So Gay", then I suggest you ask yourself why you continue to say it.

    Lastly, I was not down all day. Nearly everyone in my cohort/classes wore purple and I know we made a few heads turn in the hallway before class, and those people had to wonder why. Again I knew a lot of people simply didn't know about wearing purple so I was never really that upset about it.

    I invite you to continue reading my blog. Not all of them will be upbeat or inspirational. Some will be like this one where I will no doubt be bothered by some injustice I observe. But rest assured, while I may get discouraged here and there, those times only make me more fired up to make change happen.

  3. Brandon,
    I really appreciate your posts! They always seem to contain parts of my thoughts from the day. I also wore purple today and had over a handful of people approach me and ask why so many people were wearing purple (even though not enough were) and I would tell them the reason many had chose to sport my favorite color :-). I have begun confronting my friends about the inappropriate use of the N word and the "That's so Gay" phrase. I also have confronted friends about saying "retarded" and I am not a fan of the word "hate". It just has such strong connotations to me. I don't tell them they can't say the words, I just ask them to think about how what they say impacts those in their company and around them when they use the terms in a derogatory way. I'm not looking to put others down, to tell them they can't have freedom of speech or that they are never going to be a friend of mine again because of what they said. I just want them to realize who they impact with what they say. I hope you have a great day Brandon. :-)

  4. It's no doubt that words can change meanings, BUT you have to take into account what those words and phrase mean in representation to someone e...lse. Saying "that's so gay" in the presence of someone who is not out could possibly push them even farther in the closet because they think the person has a homophobic attitude and will not accept them.

    There are times where we all get a bit discouraged, but you gotta have hope and look to the future!
