Tuesday, October 19, 2010

With Great Power, or Knowledge, Comes Great Responsibility...

Today was...interesting. I started off by trying to deal with my current financial situation and so hopefully that works out. Right away at 9 am I had my weekly area meeting in the office, and I spent the rest of the day working on a variety of projects in anticipation of Homecoming and some other upcoming Alumni events.

At 4:00, when I'm normally done with work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I went to a Safe Harbor Training put on by the Office of Community Engagement and the Queers and Allies Organization (sorry if I missed some people there). I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to get out of this session, but I knew it had to with LGBTQQIAA issues, and so I wanted to attend. Throughout the hour long session we reviewed some important information regarding the Queer community and did a couple of exercises. The session was a good attempt, though I was disappointed in the number of people who attended especially since the organizations involved did a great job of promoting it.

When I left the session I was happy that I had attended, but I realized that even though the info was a good refresher, I knew most of that stuff already from the Social Justice Series and Ally Training at UWRF. For me what the session really did was reinforce that I want UCM to be more proactive in its Social Justice efforts, and I once again got the urge to do something about it. I'm going to be speaking with one of my former advisers at UWRF soon about possibly starting some Social Justice type series here at UCM, but I can't help feel a littler overwhelmed by the prospect. Still, I feel like I've been given the opportunity to have learned so much about Social Justice issues, and I need to do something with that knowledge.

While I haven't felt at all that UCM is a place where community values aren't important, I do feel a lack of focus on the issues within the community. At UWRF I got sick of hearing the word "inclusiveness" because it just felt like it was overused, though it really wasn't. I honestly don't think I've heard inclusiveness used here at all, and that alone for me highlights the differences between the school. I don't want to sound like I'm bagging on UCM, because I do feel like there are definitely people and offices here who make a real effort to highlight issues within our community. I just feel like they need more resources, and there needs to be a more comprehensive focus geared toward the issues on campus. Unfortunately this is not an ideal time to be looking for additional resources here, as we are facing about a $12 million budget shortfall and money is strapped everywhere. Maybe if we can get several offices and departments involved we can pool our resources and develop some comprehensive programs instead of those programs being scattered.

I'm really not sure where I intend to take these thoughts, but I do feel like I need to do something. We will see what the wind blows my way in the next few weeks once Homecoming settles down.

On a lighter note, and where the inspiration for this blog title came from is I decided to watch the first Spider-Man tonight. The second one is my favorite movie of all time, and I really feel like the first two movies are owed a debt of gratitude from all comic book movies since them. In another blog I'll share my thoughts on the third movie and now the reboot that Sony is making and Spider-Man in general. That'll be a rant...

Anywho, Spider-Man is favorite superhero, and the movie just makes me happy...in a confused and conflicted sort of way. Its like I feel Peter Parker's pain. I should be him. If only I could get bit by a genetically engineered spider and get all buff and have special powers and such. Alas, I can dream.

Also, just before Safe Harbor Training today I found out I got a 15/15 on my second Think Piece for my Leadership and Org Theory Class, and I was ecstatic, as I got a 10 on the last one. Overall this was a good day filled with some interesting thoughts and experiences, and I think I come away from it feeling optimistic, despite all the stressors currently lingering over me. This is always a good thing.


  1. Brandon,
    I have not heard the word "inclusiveness, inclusive campus, inclusive"...any of the versions of inclusive spill out of a single mouth beyond mine the entire time I have been at Iowa State. Homecoming will be here next week. I am guessing yours is next week too. I am in awe at the amount of effort that the Greeks put into homecoming here. Lawn displays, competitions, etc. Curious what homecoming is like at UCMO. UW-RF's homecoming always seemed like such a fluke...and I understand I can't compare that institution to my current one. I definitely realize that I took a lot of what RF had for granted. We had some great programs...and some great advisers. Thanks for your insight tonight.

  2. Brandon, that's awesome! I say go for it! You definitely have the ambition and the strength to pull it off and make a difference! I will agree that there are definitely a lot of things at RF I took for granted. For example, here at UW-Oshkosh they have one social justice week out of the entire school year. I think there's like maybe 2 or 3 events that week. I also have not heard the word "inclusive" used once here. It just reinforces what an AMAZING institution UWRF is (obviously there's always room for improvement), but I strongly believe UWRF truly offers its students so many wonderful opportunities for further education. Thank you for your insight, and I say, GO FOR IT! DO WORK (as Christa would say)! You will falcon ROCK! :)

  3. I couldn't agree with you more. I feel the exact same way about Hamline. They use the word diversity a lot more than inclusiveness. While diversity is important, I have come to realize that inclusiveness is far more important. I definitely am trying to get things going at Hamline (though due to recent events, things aren't taking off like I would like them to) and it's difficult. There is definitely an interest, but that's as far as it's gone. Nothing has been DONE. Which is huge.

    Also, Kristin, if it's the Kristin I think it is, either get your blog started or let me see yours! :)
